Friday, May 3, 2019


When I complete exercise, I'm renewed and feel like I'm the guy I should be. When I train and run, water is good too. I choose to make impressionable training, hiking and athleticism (" an athlete..." 2 Timothy 5:2), my life-giving memory - rather than the downside of work or other set-backs. Create memories that you want to retain. Exercise simplifies your life... I know from experience!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Human Health

#HealthForHumans  "No one hates his own body, but feeds and cares for it..." (Ephesians 5:29 NLT).

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Everybody wants to talk about diet. Less people want to talk about exercise - but exercise is actually much more important, right? Personally I can say, from first hand experience, that exercise naturally helps direct my food cravings. So there you have it! Now get off your butt.

*NOTE 2024: 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Good Supplement!!

I was able to put on about 20 lbs and probably triple my strength, with minimal supplements, occasional vitamins and basically just training hard and having protein shakes, mixed with raw oats. Now I'm adding in a cool, organic, pure, natural, food and multivitamin (vitamins A, D, K, E...), with more protein than ground beef. Alfalfa has been called "the father of all foods."  (Also available in capsules, that are made from a tree gel - not gelatin, for convenience):